It's official!
For me, being certified full spectrum means I did extra work & submitted it--I did my hospital tours, took an infant feeding class, did a parent interview, made sure I was up to date on my CPR certification, read books & did reports on them, created and submitted my doula business plan, did a mock birth plan and submitted it, assisted in one birth, along with all the journals and assignments from the 12 week course.
As a certified full spectrum doula, along with birth support, I hope to (along with continue to support birthing & grieving parents):
- support folks seeking abortions (emotionally financially, & practically) (with them trying to defund Planned Parenthood in Missouri, we are gonna need SO MUCH support)
-support non-gestational parents wade through pregnancy, birth and postpartum. (non-gestational parent get forgotten ALOT during the pregnancy journey)
-support Black parents navigate through surrogacy and adoption. (There are SO MANY barriers for intended parents to jump through. I wanna help break them down)
-support Black parents navigate through pregnant and infant loss, especially those who have babies in NICU. That's a specially kind of loss. (Something we don't talk about as a community that needs to be. And supported in)
I plan to continue to cultivate deeper advocacy & support of Black birthing and grieving parents.
