Distant Kundalini Reiki attuments for students include:
-3 One-on-one remote (10-20 minute) sessions (each session opens & cleans specific chakra in the body.
1st session: crown, third eye, throat, heart)
2nd session: solar plexus, sacral & root (Done 7-10 days after 1st session)
3rd session: all chakras are strengthened & fully open. And able to teach & attune yourself & others (Done 21 days after 2nd session)
-Chat/Rx after each session (15 minutes or so)
-Resources about Kundalini energy & chakra systems (sent via email)
-Teacher & student manuals (sent via email)
-Extra attunements (in the manuals)
-Lineage (via email)
-Support for the next 6 months
All for $333
Email me: Andrea@wombcarewomxn.com if you are interested and/or have any questions.