I run a spiritual business. No, it’s not perfect or always “love & light”. What I mean is that I do my damnest to draw on high vibrational things outside of myself. When I make decisions about prices or services, or whether I should collaborate or work with someone, I pray to/talk with my spiritual guides, listen to & follow my gut, do divination on it, etc.
Learning that my highest good comes from when I’m feeling most creative, relaxed & fun energy. Learning that others' highest good and abundance energy comes from that, too. And when I’m relaxed or having fun, I can serve as a vessel & download answers. Life coaches @iamlivingaligned & @deltacoolbreeze TAUGHT me those things over the years!
Dancing + singing + listening to songs that make me laugh or happy help my creative energies flow. I believe I make the most righteous decisions when I do those things.
I’m excited about creating doula packages & prices that reflect ALL that creative & abundance energy! And looking to share those energies with those I collab & work with! Check out my Wix site & plans at: http://wix.to/8MCYBo4. ✌🏾 Thanks!
S/o to @anyadoula for support these past few days. Your advice has been invaluable! 🌟