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Writer's pictureAndrea Richardson


“Quit the job. Quit the person. Quit the environment. Whatever is harming you, leave it. Something magical happens when you affirm you will not put your soul in a jeopardizing space. The doors begin to open when you value your peace. I promise”.

Tw: toxic work environment & trauma

Last week, I put in my two weeks notice at my main gig. After that, I’ll be a full-time entrepreneur. 🥰🌠🌙✨Working my businesses full-time. I’m incredibly grateful to be ending a 6 year relationship in a work environment that didn’t honor or value my time, energy and capacity. I’m grateful to be ending a relationship that felt like soul murder. And I’m leaning into a new type of freedom, where I can show up in all my identities & in all my magic. I’m stepping into a space where I can show up whole and rested. This freedom and space are incredibly different. I’m so grateful for all my full time entrepreneurs friends who have been watching me pitter around and gently nudging me for years, especially @deltacoolbreeze . But @o.o.bounds , too.

After the 31st, I’m going to spend two weeks to dive deeply into REST and PLEASURE. And CELEBRATE. Maybe I’ll take a social media break or do a water fast. Hell, maybe I’ll do both.

I’d love it if you’d support me and my businesses in any way: book a session or two, tell a friend about my services, donate to my cash app $wombcarewomxn, etc.

I’m grateful that magic has been showing up and affirming me! Already. It’s been a blessing!

Thank you!

Repost from @thekayanova

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