Need support during your labor and birth only? I got you!
Zora Neale package includes:
💙an intake/assessment about your labor & birth needs are like your pain management choice, where you’ll be birthing, your choices of physical labor positions you choose, etc.
💙12-24 hour continuous active labor support (with self care breaks, of course)emotional labor & spiritual support (all my prayers,encouragement, soothing, ashe from my ancestors, duaas, etc)
💙movement/physical laboring positions to get your babes down, suggestions on switching positions, deep breathing, affirmations, reiki, even.
💙2hr. Support after your babe is here to make sure there aren’t any immediate postpartum complications.
💙All for $1500 (virtual or in-person) Supporting birthing folks virtual & in-person. Connect with me, if you’re interested.
Book your $20 consultation: or shoot me an email: