I post very little on Mondays. And I don’t schedule sessions, consultations, or readings. Matter of fact, I don’t respond to business or work emails, texts or calls, either. And I let everyone in my social & business circles ⭕️ know, too.
Astrologists believe that Mondays are influenced by Moon energy— Mo(o)nday—(get it?) It makes for a great day to invite PEACE, healing, CARING, & psychic awareness to the forefront! For me, I give space to rituals & stillness throughout the entire day.
Self care Mondays looks different during a global pandemic. I’m finding myself breathing through so much. I am more gentle with myself. I allow all my feeling to FLOW—whether positive, negative, pissed or indifferent. Self care also looks different while wading through depression + anxiety and GRIEF. But even while sitting in all of that, I’m being so kind to by not judging myself and being transparent about my struggles.
In between mandatory work meetings, (which is financial self care), I’ll be taking deep breaths. I’ll be singing my favorite KING songs (their music is so HAPPY). I’ll be snuggling with Arya, my cat + curling up in my maternity pillow (these pillows are EVERYTHING, especially when you’re not pregnant) (s/o to @melakinetic17 for the gift) & crying + chanting Buddhist prayers for 5 minutes + mailing off letters & thank you cards to new associates & friends + turning my phone to “downtime” + whatever I want!
It’s my restorative day! I ENCOURAGE you to pick a day or hours or even minutes to carve out for yourself. Ask for support, especially if you’re a parent or guardian! ESPECIALLY if your babes are very young! Pick moments, and days that feel natural for you. Define it however you want. Make a list of things that bring you joy & do at least one ☝🏾 of those things! Do that shit! 😝
If you need assistance, hit me up boos! I’ll respond back tomorrow! Take great care!