The root chakra houses our sense of safety and security. It’s located right at our tail bone. When it’s unbalanced, we can feel insecure, anxious.
Here are 5 ways to get our root chakra back in alignment! Let’s gooo!
✨ Take a salt bath
The magnesium will restore & recenter, release that tension. Ever feel recentered after a good salt bath.? Of course, right! Get some epsom salt and relax your body.
❤️Wear the color red
Check yourself in the mirror while you wear red. Do you feel protected while wearing red?
-Do some solo play ‼️
Ever feel grounded after touching & hugging your body? Take some mindful moments to hold & touch your warm skin. Make it sweet and mindful, babes.
-Wearing crystals like black obsidian & red jasper 🥰
Whether we wear them in our bras, pants, bags and purses, they are restorative af. Many crystals like this help to absorb all those unwanted & negative emotions OUT of our bodies.
-Listen to root chakra meditation music❣️
Do a search on Youtube ‘root chakra meditation music. Try listening to them in ear buds or in the background as you work. And watch your body calm!
Here are other ways!
-Go out in nature
-Walk barefoot (indoors or outdoors)
-journal or audio record
-deep breathe
-mediate or visualize

Be well!