Hey ya’ll!
Looking for ways to add more pleasure into your life? Ready to boost your creativity? Looking for inspiration & more joy?
Join our self paced 7-Day Solo Pleasure Challenge! The daily activities are going to help you connect with your sensuality, creativity and expand how you view sensual pleasure, outside of the s3x.
Some benefits of this challenge include:
-Reduce stress
-Boost creativity & sensuality
-Self love/care
-Sensual Confidence
We’ll be making a space/a group to share, converse & connect about what brings us pleasure.
 ✨ Download the Wix app to join the Challenge!
This Solo Pleasure Challenge is led by Andrea Richardson (she/her/Goddess), pleasure & sex doula. She is a pleasure activist & the owner of Womb Care Womxn, a Full Spectrum doula business based here in Saint Louis. As a certified doula, her focus is to support Black folks & families in birth, loss (pregnancy & infant, grief and abortion) & death pleasure. As a pleasure & sex doula, it’s her mission to support Black womxn, femme & folx explore and uncover how to prioritize pleasure in their everyday lives. She’s proudly featured in Essence Magazine and POPSUGAR. It’s her joy to support her communities emotionally, physically & spiritually as they move through many life experiences.