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Body Affirmations For Every Damn Body! lol

It's been a joy sharing body affirmations with you all this month! I appreciate the feedback. I hope they've been helpful in creating so much body awareness & appreciation. I'm thankful to Desirée for encouraging me to create a physical card deck! (That's coming soon!)

In the meantime, I'm happy I created a 31-card digital download/pdf of all the affirmations that I've shared this month. I've added beautiful pictures--It's my desire to include a variety of body types, ages, abilities, skin colors/shades & gender expressions. It's incredibly important to me to represent evey damn body!

If you're interested in checking out the affirmations with beautiful images, click here: $8.

Please share with your communities! Thank you kindly!

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Proudly created by Shirley Segbers

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