The first time I heard about Reiki was around 2004. A friend mentioned how powerful Kundalini Reiki was. I didn’t inquire any further. I had no idea what she was talking about. But her thoughts planted seeds I forgot all about.
A decade later, I met @Ebone, a sis from an online FB I was in. She was just beginning her Reiki practice as a new Master. At the same time, I was heavily learning about Chiron (Asteroid known as the “wounded healer”. It’s also an asteroid that encompasses more feminine, emotional & nurturing aspects of our humanity & teaches folx about their deep wounds and how they heal themselves and others). (If you want to find out where Chiron falls in your birth chart, check out: astrology
After Eboné gave me my first Akashic reading (Think: past lives revealed), she thought I could benefit from learning how to heal myself & others. In my heart & core, I knew I could, too.
My first level attunement woke up my spiritual and physical bodies.To experience tingling in my physical was so new. It was intriguing & frightening at the same damn time. Eboné then gave me the tools to attune myself, at my own pace. It was so frightening & new to me, that I stopped at my first level. It wasn’t until a year later that I decided to complete my second attunement. Then, a year after that, I finally felt comfortable to attune myself to level 3/Master.
After my third & final attunement, I felt many things shift rapidly in my life: my relationship with myself DEEPENED, who I let have access to my energy CHANGED, the way I viewed sexual energy and my sex life was CHALLENGED. I knew I couldn’t turn back; my whole vibration elevated. With this new way of life, it took me another 6 months to feel confident enough to practice with others.
I felt nervous about who I would attract, who I’d assist. I worried about my worthiness to help. Worried about my practice. I had LOTS of solar plexus (self confidence, will power) issues! I’m grateful I’ve worked through them.
I decided to support women, mostly black women like myself, those who wanted to heal negative, challenging emotional issues. I also felt called to help womxn with womb issues (i.e fibroids & cysts). I wanted to integrate physical healing, chakra work & wisdom with ancestral downloads. It was so powerful!
It still is very powerful! I’ve assisted dozen of women throughout this time. And I’ll continue to do so until my last breath.