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Writer's pictureAndrea Richardson

Oxytocin vibes from doulamorgane!

Repost from @doulamorgane

“Earth day. Also known as the night before you were born • I was feeling those lovely menstrual like cramps. And I say lovely because in this case, they were just that: warm, exciting, fierce... a gentle yet steady wave. I had a feeling that you were almost ready - you just needed to know that all was calm, all was aligned before you could come forward. You needed us to be ready. So I ate a big meal, took a shower, got into bed + your mama, @alexandra_the_acupuncturist put a few needles in. After a few mins something shifted. holy moly! You jiggled like no ones business. I imagine you swimming down further into my pelvis at that point. • I’m so grateful I captured those final motions of you swimming around inside of my uterus, us as one (swipe to see!). I should’ve known then that you’d be a powerful mover and a shaker, my Taurus • See you tomorrow, kiddo. ❤️💕🌈 •”

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