Sunday January 22, 2023 @ 12pCST/ 1p EST, I'll be leading a virtual Pleasure Mapping workshop for pregnant parents. This workshop is also open to non-gestational parents, & families who have recently been blessed by a nu human! lol
Pleasure mapping is an intentional act of “mapping” what parts of the body loves very specific pleasure through touch/sensations. It’s a way to explore pleasure through touch. To figure out what intensity, temperature, tempo you love!
As parents, you’re changing: spiritually, physically, emotional/mentally. One of the HUGEST changes happens in how your feel in your body. How has your body changed as it relates to what you find pleasurable? Non-guestional parents: Are you grounded in your body as your family is expanding? Have you lost touch with what brings you pleasure in your body?
Find out what sensations you love, what brings you sensual pleasure & re-introduce yourself to your new body, & life in parenthood. And welcome to Pleasureville: Parent Edition
During this workshop, you'll learn:
-What pleasure mapping is
-To re-define sensual pleasure
-Why pleasure mapping is important for your pleasure
-How to uncover your pleasure through exploring touch
-How to expand your pleasure in your body and life
I have space for 20 people. It's gonna be cool, so if you're interested, buy your tix now:
Attendees: Please email me: 3 songs that bring you so much pleasure!
Buy your ticket here:
We can play them during the workshop.
Can't wait to connect with you soon!