Peace! I’m Andrea Richardson (she/her/Goddess) a pleasure activist & the owner of Womb Care Womxn,a Full Spectrum doula business based in Saint Louis, MO. As a pleasure & sex doula, it’s my mission to support Black womxn, femme & folx explore and uncover how to prioritize pleasure in their everyday lives.
I’m finding that asking for what I want and/or need is a means to cultivate my pleasure practice. Asking (and receiving) helps me practice pleasure by releasing the temptation to overworking/overextending myself. Asking (and receiving) also helps me lean into the community to get my needs met!
Back in February, I applied to facilitate Pleasure Mapping workshops @ the S3x Down South in Atlanta Sept 7-9. And they ACCEPTED my application & invited me.I’m over the moon! This will be my first time facilitating @ a conference. I’m excited to educate and support attendees about Pleasure Mapping, so they can add it to their self-care tool box! I’m also excited about networking and cultivating my s3x doula practice!
I’m raising funds for:
Round trip ticket from STL to ATL
Hotel for 3 days/nights
Food & fun
I’m asking for $1500
Could you donate? $10 here, $25 there, $50 here or there? Or could you support by sharing this post with your dearest friends or special groups/ That would be helpful!
Link in bio ✨
Thanks in advance for your support!
Owner of Womb Care Womxn